Tuesday, February 24, 2009


So immediately following a night of partying(my birthday), my classmates and I took a bus up to Gualeguaychu, Argentina for a full weekend of feasting, partying and letting loose, getting everything out our systems before the season of lent started this Wednesday.

The bus we took was awesome, very raucous with most people getting ready for the weekend with a few cocktails. I personally, did not partake in much of the cocktailing, perhaps because of the festivities that had transpired the night before but I will let the reader infer what they will. We left BsAs at 9pm on Friday and arrived at our hostel at about 1am, just in time to leave for a huge beach party! The beach party was pretty cool, tons of people grooving to the tunes of Bob Marley and various American pop and Latino hits. I ended the night early at around 5am heading back to the hostel to get a few hours of rest before hitting the beach at 9am the following morning.

Saturday was a tad bit overcast but that did not stop us from hitting the beach at around 10am. Upon arrival almost everyone laid out a nice towel and took a quick siesta before really starting the day of activities. Some had gone a tad too hard the night before and was not really showing signs of life until later on in the day. I, naturally, was not one of those people, I was up and moving about checking out the volleyball games and buying a few drinks to ease myself into the day. Fun was had all around but the real fun didn't start until that night.

Carnival is similar to what I picture Mardi Gras on Bourbon Street would be like. Craziness on all sides with a fantastic parade, showing off the years worth of work that had gone into each float and the floats, as you can see, were amazing. That night after we watched the parade we headed back to the beach to party it up until around 6am the following morning.

Sunday, it rained all day so we didn't get back to the beach but I don't think any of us really minded because we all slept until around 1pm. We left on the bus at midnight on Sunday following another great asado where we got to try all the different parts of the cow, including the kidneys, intestines, blood and all the other wonderful sections that you could probably think of. I still enjoyed the blood sausage more than I thought, which might really say something for my own Irish blood.

Well, that's all for a little while. I head off to Mendoza this Friday to taste some wine, ride a few rapids and maybe ride a couple of horses!! Don't worry there will be pictures.


Anonymous said...

Haven't you already been letting loose the entire time you have been in Argentina?? :-) I am not sure you needed to go away to achieve that end!

Rebecca said...

HORSES, did I hear horses?!?!
Loved reading about your adventures... sounds great, miss you of course lottts!