Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Yes We Did!

So at around 11:05 pm last night we were all informed that the country finally made a good decision. Upon hearing the projection while sitting on my sofa I immediately took to the door and walked outside to make celebratory calls to my fellow Obama friends. What I was confronted with when I walked out the door was something that I will never forget. I could hear all over campus screams of rejoice, cheering from all around me, not the result of large gatherings but of individuals who believed that there was something to cheer about. It was ridiculous and amazing.

With a spontaneous idea everyone in my apartment (excluding the saddened Derrick) ran to the Diag (central location of our Campus) in hopes of celebrating with our fellow student brethren. As we ran, we felt pretty silly, all 5 of us wearing jeans, sweatshirts and none of us in really great shape, but when we arrived in the Diag what we saw was amazing. Students from all over were running to join in on the celebration, we were among the first hundred students to gather. The "Yes we Can!" chants followed by "O-Bama" chants rang through the night air for about a half hour before the we all began to march. We marched for about 2 hrs taking up the full street, every house we passed would add a few more members to our cause. At one point one could not see the end of the crowd, we estimated that about 5-8 thousand students accompanied us on our screaming celebration through the streets of Ann Arbor. It really was quite the experience, to see so many people truly excited about an election and our country's future (finally).

The Michigan Daily has a video on its front page (the same one as below) that you can watch, which really shows the magnitude of the event. My friends and I got to lead a few chants as well, including the singing of the national anthem ( Don't worry, I screamed RED at the correct time for you CU people) as we stood on the Michigan steps looking out at the hundreds of gathered students. It was quite the experience and one can only hope that the outcome of this election is one that really mirrors the excitement that it has riled up in a lot of us!

Monday, October 20, 2008

Cedar Point

This past Saturday my friends and I took a trip down to Sandusky, Ohio to Cedar Point Amusement Park. The home of the former (within the last 10 years) tallest rollercoaster drop in the world. We arrived at the park around 2:30 pm and left around midnight. Now, most people would assume we were rollercoastered out by then but on the contrary Cedar Point was soooo busy that we were only able to ride 4 rollercoasters. This would make most people frustrated but for us we had a blast just standing in line hanging out.
The most daring ride we went on was called Dragster, pictured above. It taunted us with a top speed of 120 mph. We waited for about 2 hrs to ride this one and the ironic thing was the ride only took 25 seconds to complete. It was totally worth it for those who kept their eyes open!
Millennium Force was the most fun and our finale, it was also the one with the huge drop. When we boarded the ride it was 11pm and the lake surrounding the point was pitch black and fog had rolled in. We couldn't even see the track through the fog which really gave the illusion that you were falling to your impending death, which made the experience that much better.

Once we finished the rides we took advantage of Cedar Point's Hallo-weekends, which occur the four weeks leading up to Halloween. The park employs people to dress up like monsters and spontaneously jump out at non-suspecting people. The girls jumped a mile every time someone jumped out! It was quite entertaining! After about an hour of being spooked we called it quits and caught some late dinner at a 24hr diner, which hit the spot. Everyone concluded the night by driving back to Michigan arriving home at about 4:30am, 19 hrs after waking up. It was a fun filled day that served as a perfect weekend diversion

Monday, September 29, 2008

Willers/Duffy Football Weekend Pt. 1

Maybe the best football weekend anyone has ever had happened this past weekend with the arrival of the Willers/Duffy clan for the Wisconsin game. Many may refer to the game as the best Michigan come-back ever, while others may say it was the best home Michigan game, but for us, it had nothing to do with football that made it the best football weekend ever.

Upon the arrival of Dad, Deed, Ben, Kate, Matt, Ryan, Christina and Ashley on Friday night, we started by eating a very scrumptious meal at the local Bennigans, where we all talked about each other's flights, travels and expectations for the weekend. Justin, my friend pictured above, accompanied us to dinner as well. After the dinner we all journeyed back to my apartment where we were holding a very nice social get-together with about 50-60 of our closest friends in our back parking lot. The night proved to be very entertaining for everyone involved.

Saturday morning, game day, Dad, Deed and Ben woke up very early to reserve a great location on the U of M golf course for our tailgating. My friends Justin, Becca, Lacy, Vence, Cappo, Derrick and I arrived a tad late since we had been up pretty late the night before. We arrived around 1130 am, about 4 hours before kick-off, we played a game called "cornhole" or "bags", and we also enjoyed the great hamburgers that Dad grilled up for us. Then around 320 we all made our pilgrimage to the stadium, in which we witnessed the worst three quarters of Michigan football, after which we left. It was around the time we got back to the truck when Michigan started to make the comeback of a lifetime, oops! Ironically, Mom called us as Michigan turned the game around and had a good laugh that she was the only one actually watching the game.

After the game we all made our way back to my apartment where we had some delicious Domino's pizza. Following the feast, all of us, plus a handful of my friends, began having another little party in our parking lot. With the inspiring dance moves of Ryan Duffy a huge dance party erupted! Everyone partook in the dancing, yes even Dad busted a move! The dancing actually took on a life of its own, culminating in Derrick's need to show off his moves on top of the railing pictured below.
His performance to the hit song "Beat it" by Michael Jackson had almost all of us in tears from laughing so hard!

Ok, that's it so far. When I get more photos of the family tailgate/party I will up them with a little more explanation.

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

¡Hoy es oficial, ire a argentina!

I was formally accepted into the Argentina study abroad program in Buenos Aires! I felt like this would make the perfect intro to my blog, which I will be updating throughout my experience over there starting in early February.

Until then, I still have football to look forward to! I have located the remaining tickets and everyone who wanted to attend the game will now be able to! As some of you know, the Friday that everyone arrives will be loco because my house is throwing a huge party- multiple kegs and live music!